Blue Light Bandit

Blue Light Bandit, alias Bandit, escaped from the planet Palladia in the Novia star system. Bandit is a highly advanced and intelligent life form called a Blue Lighter (BL). The BLs are an ancient life form specially created by Source, their Infinite Intelligence. The reason they are called BLs is because in their physical form they are of pure blue light energy. Being a divine creation they have special abilities that for one allow them to transform and take the form and shape of animals. Regardless of what form they take, their powerful light always shines through. On Earth, one unique characteristic they possess is that their eyes are always blue.

The BLs core values and mission are for freedom, joy, and spiritual advancement. Unfortunately, not everyone in the Novia star system has those same beliefs. The BLs are in this spiritual war trying to save their race. The Jonos are a millennia old adversary of the BLs. The Jonos primary objective is too capture BLs, put them to sleep, and keep them that way forever. In a bold attempt to make a leap forward in this war, the BLs have decided to infiltrate the primary location where the Jonos cast BLs that are captured. This place is called planet 53, otherwise known as Earth.

Bandit’s solo mission is to infiltrate Earth, taking many identities, to seek out and help those BLs who have been captured by the Jonos and cast to Earth. Not only have the BLs been cast to Earth but their memories have been wiped, they have been programmed & brainwashed, and their internal light masked (in essence put to sleep) so they don’t know where they came from and who they really are. Bandit’s primary objective is to help those that are asleep to see beyond the programming and controls, see who they really are, and help them take back their light!

*Super Rare Founders Special Edition Collection*

NFT Apparel

Choose one of the Blue Light Bandit NFTs on Opensea and have it put on a t-shirt, hoodie, and/or hat. 

Note: *For NFT primary sales you receive one complementary piece of apparel.






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